Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Censored/ Fotos


I've embarked on a new leg of my journey, one where I will no longer allow the Censor to fill my well. The Censor being that nagging voice within us that is the origin of all things negative, censoring all of the positive thoughts and energies we dare to dream.


My personal well seems to be chock full of negatives by the time I arise each morning. I believe my censor takes full advantage of my unawareness during the night. I now will empty my well immediately upon awakening and then I will fill it with positive affirmations.


My "morning papers" are a meditation of sorts. A time I will sit and write three pages of every thought that crosses my mind. Three pages? "I can't do that" says the censor within me. *sigh* but I will try it. Day one ...within twenty minutes, three pages were not enough but I stopped. Rambling thoughts...something like this:

"ugh...I hate Mondays. I don't wanna work. I can't think the birds are singing too loudly. I'm going inside. Okay...ohmygosh, and I have school today...I'm not taking that test tomorrow, I can't do it...I should be grateful. I'm such a waste....I need to get in the shower.. did I turn on the computer....i have got to get to the grocery store..I'm not putting that stuff in the art show, it's no good...."


Adamantly, I am not to read over what I write and not to show my writings to anyone. The above was merely an example. With my well now emptied, I continue to write affirmations supporting all the things my creative mind truly wants to live and believe.

"I've been given a gift of creativity and I can use it."

"It is possible for me to complete the things I need to take care of today"

"I am allowed to nurture and grow the artist within me"


Each day I will empty and refill my well.


Each week, I will spend a couple hours dating the artist, myself. No one will be allowed on the date, it is for me. And that is okay.


I will keep an entry of my artist date, where I go and how it made me feel. These I will look back over in the weeks to come. My purpose is progress never perfection, to develop an appreciation for my talent, courage and boldness to move forward in confidence, and a bit of audacity to put myself out there ;)


I will not compare myself with others.


I will be keenly aware of doors ajar and the leading of the Master Creator .


I will rest my mind, be willing to try, and to dream.


I will choose friends who encourage me and not allow me to just talk about it.


I will remember that all I am responsible for is creating my work, not judging it.


And most of all, I'm trusting the Great Creator to take care of the quality while I take care of the quantity.





Chickee said...

just love.

paige said...

Me too, Chickee, it reappeared in my archive just when I was filling up with negatives. It refreshed me, yet again :)

Misha said...

beautiful thoughts and fotos ~:)

paige said...

Hi Mish....I've been able to go back in my MS blog roll and recover some of my things. In the process of trying to transfer them here. So, you will likely see reposts. BUT today..gosh, I needed this refresher course ;)