Thursday, February 26, 2009

God Spoke to Me Softly

God spoke to me softly this morning. My heart lept with an overwhelming joy! I have truly been praying for wisdom and understanding, asking for the veil to be removed when I read a passage. I ask God to enlighten my soul. He is so faithful!

I have the greatest of intentions of becoming the woman God wants of me. And in my own power and might, I feel I always fall so short! No matter how hard I try to restrain my tongue or be kind and think of others.....I fall short and feel so incapable of these characteristics.

This morning God revealed why that is! I place the emphasis on the wrong thing! I am destined to come away feeling as though I cannot attain these goals. My prayer has been: "Lord, make me the woman you would have me to be!" My purpose is not to be this woman.

Today I pray, "Lord, make me the woman You would have me to be!" My purpose is to rely solely on having a relationship with Him. Not to be the perfect woman!

Thank you Lord for whispering to me!